Want to expose your little one to inventive foodie delights but worry about dragging them to stuffy restaurants? You are in luck (& so were we!); on our last inspiration trip to Los Angeles where we participated in the newest gourmet phenomenon - food trucks! This trend is spreading like wild fire and as we witnessed the casual ordering & pick-up window with first-come seating is perfect for introducing your child to unique flavors and worldly dishes (& if they spit it out.. not to worry, most dishes are under $10). Foodies, families & first-timers all waited patiently (waits can reach up to 1 hour) for an alfresco lunch made by the Kogi truck serving Korean/Mexican fusion cuisine (Asian sparerib burritos & kimchi quesidillas); which might I add... were heavenly!

In a moment of in-decision we turned to the man behind us & asked if there was something he recommended, his response was "Everything!" as he lifted his sleeve to reveal a tattoo of the Kogi logo (he was a HUGE fan). Adding to the fun of eating the haute-cuisine picnic-style is actually tracking down the elusive trucks. Kids will squeal with delight as you seek Twitter updates to find out where they are parked ("scavenger hunt" style) and if there are any unlisted specialty menu items to sample once you arrive!
Seek out food trucks in your area too & bon appetit!