Our Sunday usually starts out with coffee & a quick browse through one of the many
Housing Works Thrift Stores in NYC. Whether client shopping, gathering inspiration on our next bundle or looking for a little something for ourselves - this is the BEST place to look for the unexpected. The clothing, shoes, furniture, housewares & artwork in their store or online shop have been donated by locals, designers & collectors for a very good cause (read more on their services
here), so there is definitely NO buyer's remorse.
Last week was their benefit of all benefits, called Design on a Dime, which gave 50 of the city's top interior designers the chance to scour the Housing Works Warehouse & create room vignettes where all items would be for sale to the public. While browsing through this year's displays we were astounded by the talent and use of materials! Of course we love to find creative touches that can translate to family living and kid-friendly DIY... Well, we found it!
Asler Valero got busy with a package of paper plates & a stapler to create this unusual light fixture. Paper plate projects are reminiscent of the fun, crafty learning we all did in Kindergarten. Need a cool focal point for a room or a centerpiece for a party?... you might not need to look much further than aisle 7 at your local grocery.